Brand. Social. Culture.

Welcome! I’m Gorgia - a Strategy Director based in London. 

There are just a few things you need to know about me. I’m culture obsessed, social fluent, and dabble in far too many subcultures. Basically your personal rolodex of niche references. 

A mentor of mine once challenged me to become the industry’s version of a Swiss Army knife so you name it, I’ve probably done it. That challenge sent me on a journey from media to content, social, influencer, experiential, creative, and even PR. 

It’s been a wild ride. Along the journey I’ve set snow on fire with Jack Daniel’s, saved the sharks with WWF, and even got a Paralympic athlete to Paris with Nike. But if you ask me my favourite memory, my answer is always mentoring teams through the wild world of advertising. 

Now here I am, 11 years later, focusing on social, creative and brand strategy for anyone who needs me. 

If you’re looking for someone to turn your problems into possibilities, I’m just a tap away. 

Can’t wait to see where our journey takes us. 


Gorgia Brewer Brand Social Strategy

Don’t be shy.


Brand & Creative Strategy

Social & Cultural Insight

Content Production

Trend Mapping



Drinks (incl. alcohol)



Latest Clients


Pizza Hut

